Saturday, July 31, 2010
Transferable skill camp
It has been 2 weeks since the end of the transferable skill camp in PGP hall. I just want to write it to remember this once in a lifetime oppurtunity to mingle and interact with people from different culture and school. This camp is a unified phd camp b/w Imperial college, NUS and NTU. I thought majority of the people would come from NUS and NTU but i was wrong. Like in my group of 7 people, there are 3 from imperial college; france, poland, UK. This camp really make me realise the importance of communication and teamwork not through examples but through experiencing it. I admit that this is the 1st time i am in such close distance in contact with ang mor. I have never travelled to ang mor countries or talked much even with the NUS ang mor lecturers before. This is therefore, a good opportunity for me to know more about how western culture is and how their uni life is. Basically, they love to drink beer and really not conservative; they speak up during lectures. They are really open and not forgeting loud when they sing (they dont care about following the music and just sing whatever they want and that includes lyrics; a mess lol). If anyone wants to go to angmor country to work or study, have to know how to party and drink beer. I think this is important for anyone to be able to merge into the group.