muahaha...early in the morning we hear more about scdf. It is quite cool actually, coz i am interested in knowing more abt what they do. We tried the bomb suit (a total weight of 30plus kg). It is a blue suit with a very heavy helmet which alone weighs 6kg. The instructor said it will strain the neck if move the head too much. Other than the helmet, i find the suit rather cool! (believe me...i look as though i have drank a lot of beer and become super pot-bellied) haha....there are so many functions which i don't know whether is confidential so i will have to keep this lock in my mind and not circulate ard. Took a pic of myself in the bomb suit but is guaranteed that this pic can only keep within myself so i cant paste the pic on this blog or else i get it from them lol.(but i can show u when u see me coz it is in my phone). After wearing the suit and the taking of photos, we tried the bomb dismantling machine...u know like those arcade games, u have a controller and u can manipulate the vehicle-like machine. It is quite fun to control the 6-wheeled vehicle.
Afterwhich, we walk ard the demonstration exhibits or watever they call it, and enter the vehicles which are dispatched during accident. It was an eye-opener. I learn more abt each hazard vehicle as i myself, too, am very curious and bombarded them with lotsa question. It is very interesting as i am a chemist,supposedly, and learning how they manage the industrial accident with these high-tech vehicles, make me excited lol. Haha...becoz ask too much qs, we dunget to visit the medical site to explore their vehicles...so i only get to know HAZMAT vehicles which my dept is in charge of. Oh well, haha....we also ask abt joining SCDF ( their core values :PRIDE and CARE)and stuff....scholar and a non-scholar really make a difference. Sian......i shd have studied more for my A level...shdnt slack too much during the exam period...haha...regretting now...deep sigh.....i can picture my parents saying, i told u so.
i am troubled with the thoughts of whether to join the government sector or the private sector; both have their disadv and adv...but i cant decide now. I shall see what the private sector offers for my next internship. Oh well, i juz need to make a decision a few mths b4 i grad which i wud be doing so only after 3 yrs?haha...
i wud like to conclude today's post by saying...envy me right? too bad...what i have done cannot be done for the civilians...we are priviledged! once in a lifetime yeah! nanny-nanny-pool-pool...saying this makes me think of sw?? ho?? singing that song which has nanny-nanny-pool-pool inside. Haha...i can vividly rmb it lol...her facial expression and her voice look comedian when she said it..haha :P