I have been thinking about my career path which i would undertake if i choose bio engineering/ chemical engineering. However, my project was already decided with emphasis on cell biology and probably system biology wherby i need to know how to use some of the programmes... Nevertheless, I have already have some idea what I am going to do after i grad; attached 2 yrs either in overseas uni as research fellow or 2 yrs locally in one of the a star agency which focus more on biomed like GSI or BTI. Afterwhich, I would do research until i hate it then probably become a teacher in nie or a lecturer in poly or maybe become a civil servant in one of the ministries like MOH or statutory board like AVA or HSA. Then slowly i would be retiring from the workforce and focus more on enjoying life coz i believe lab life would be about spending time reading journals and doing experiment which for my case now is, growing of cells.
However, if i didnt put in effort for the 4 yrs, esp these 2 yrs, the goal in front of me which is within my reach now would come to a naught and become a dream. Hence, when sch officially starts, I shall tell myself one impt thing; dont think of anything now, just focus and focus more for this is the path which i had chosen and there is no turning back now.No regrets. No blaming of anyone. This is my decision.